Are wrinkles hereditary?

Specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery.


Deep laugh lines, jowls and wrinkles aren’t necessarily just caused by age. 60% of how your skin develops is intrinsically determined by the genetics that were passed down to you. Only 40% of how your skin ages is due to non-genetic factors. 

A study, completed in 2008 by Procter & Gamble Beauty, showed that while genetics play a role in what kind of spots or wrinkles will appear as you age, how many you will have is greatly influenced by external factors.

Why wrinkles form?

There are genetic factors that contribute to premature aging, such as fragile skin and the inability to produce collagen. While they help reduce collagen and elastin fibers, genetics can also make you more prone to wrinkles. 

Although there are great contributors to facial sagging and wrinkles such as sun-exposure, smoking, age, and weight loss, genetics is still a large contributor.

Prolonged exposure to the sun without protection can cause wrinkles and uneven pigmentation, making the skin look old.

Most cases are inherited, but some are acquired, which means they do not appear to be caused by genetic variations and when inherited mutations are added to those that occur naturally, it can cause us to age prematurely.

By depleting your system of oxygen and nutrients, smoking causes collagen and elastin degradation. Also, the facial expressions you make while smoking make wrinkles worse.

When your skin doesn't have the hydration or volume it used to, it can also make it more prone to wrinkles.Water is an essential element in your body that needs to be replenished daily. When your water consumption is consistently low, cell damage occurs in your skin. The lack of moisture shrinks the inside and wrinkles the skin. Dehydration has the same effect on your skin.

How to reduce hereditary wrinkles?

Findings from a few studies suggest that  facial massage can improve circulation and boost production of collagen . This, in turn, may  reduce wrinkles  and give the skin a more-youthful appearance.

HiSqin™ Eye Massager

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HiSqin™ Eye Massager Kit contains HiSqin™ Infinity X & HiSqin™ Organic Cream or Serum. This kit will help you to get rid effectively from Sagging, Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Eye Bags, Dark Circle or Eye Fatigue.

Use moisturizer with traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance, also moisturizers help to nourish and hydrate the skin. This is especially important as you get older and your skin becomes drier, which makes it more prone to wrinkles.

HiSqin™ Gotu Kola Calming Gel 

May be used daily or nightly as a moisturizer or as a post treatment on irritated or inflamed skin.

This Seaweed-based soothing gel provides the ultimate hydration while calming botanicals tend to sensitive or irritated skin.

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HiSqin™ KAKADU & HIBISCUS Eye Treatment Serum

Advanced peptides support firmness and elasticity, strengthening capillaries and reactivating microcirculation essential to optimal skin health.

Protect yourself from the sun It is known that sun exposure can damage the skin, leading to premature aging and wrinkles. According to a 2013 study, regular use of sunscreen can slow down the signs of skin aging. A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that people who regularly use sunscreen are 24% less likely to show signs of aging.

What dermatologists  say about hereditary wrinkles?

Dermatologists say that the likelihood and timing of wrinkles is genetic. While there are many other factors that can play a role, the timing of wrinkles is partly hereditary, as is the general condition of the skin.


Even people who are already showing signs of premature skin aging can benefit from lifestyle changes. The healthy skin precautions  can help you slow the development of wrinkles or reduce their appearance if you already have them.

Even if your family has wrinkle-prone skin, you still have good control over your skin and how well it ages. The best way to avoid wrinkles as you age is to keep your skin healthy. While wrinkles are inevitable at some point, taking care of your skin can go a long way in keeping it wrinkle-free for as long as possible.

By taking some preventive measures, we can slow down the effects of this type of aging on our skin. Other things we do can also age our skin faster than it naturally does. Keeping an eye on your parents will tell you what aging issues you may have, but taking precautions can help keep your skin looking youthful and prevent aging.


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

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