How painful is waxing your bikini area?

Sara P.
A dermatologist based in Canada.


There's no doubt that waxing is the most painful of all beauty treatments, especially in the summer when you are strutting along the beach in a bikini. Waxing can be especially painful on sensitive areas of the body such as the ears, bikini area, and underarms. If the wax is too hot, you risk abrading the skin, which is extremely painful, especially for such a sensitive area.

In this article, I am going to share my experience with waxing and how painful it is. I will share some tips on how to avoid this pain and the best tips that will help you to never feel the pain of waxing. So read until the end and let us know if you have any questions. 

So, how really painful is waxing your bikini area?

The answer depends on five factors. Your pain level, the person doing the waxing, the type of wax being used, your skin type and the hair growth. 

Waxing can also be very painful and can cause irritation and infection if you have sensitive skin. Waxing before or during your menstrual cycle can make waxing more uncomfortable due to lower pain thresholds during this time. If you go to a saloon, it's worth signing up for a half-cycle waxing to make sure your pain thresholds are at their peak. You should know that if your threshold is low and your first bikini wax will be a little sore, take pain medication one to two hours before your appointment – Please consult your doctor before taking any medication, I am not a doctor and this is for information only. 

My Experience

I will not lie, bikini waxing is so painful. Especially the first time because the hair is long. The thing is, in most cases I was on a table or platform with my legs spread as wide open as I can and the aesthetician will normally use an electric trimmer to remove the length of long public hairs, then she applies a European wax different in color to the regular wax. This type of wax is used for sensitive areas and it causes less pain than other types of wax. 

The wax should be fresh and not left over from anyone else’s waxing. I was so strict about it and I always asked the aesthetician to make sure that it was fresh. I am the one who will feel the pain and not her. The technique that she used to apply the wax is a roll on a wood lollipop flat stick. The stick seems more accurate but takes more time. She has a good technique on pulling the strip however, I felt pain and I found out that I can't do this anymore. It's really so painful and as I have sensitive skin, I tried to look for another method to remove my unwanted body hair without pain.

10 tips and tricks to reduce waxing pain and discomfort

As you read this article, there is no doubt that you feel the same pain and discomfort while waxing and you are looking for tips and tricks to reduce waxing pain and discomfort. I am so glad to share my experience with you and I am so happy to provide you with these tips that I used before I waxed at-home or before an appointment with an aesthetician. Just to let you know, I don't wax any more and I will let you know what to do to never wax again. Trust me it worked for me. 

So, what are the tips to reduce waxing pain ? 

1- Don’t schedule an appointment near your period time.

If you schedule an appointment with an aesthetician to wax and remove your unwanted body hair from your sensitive areas, DO NOT schedule an appointment NEAR your period time. Bikini waxes are more painful around this time. Trust me, I have been there and you might be there and share the same experience as I do.

2- Don’t let your hair grow too long.

The longer the hair is, the more it will hurt. So, DO NOT let your hair grow too long between waxing appointments or between two waxing sessions at-home. If you go to a saloon, it's worth signing up for a half-cycle waxing to make sure that the hair is not too long. If you do it at-home you can only plan your waxing sessions as well. If you can’t, try to trim the hair, but not too short. Leave the hair at least a ¼ inch long. 

3- Don’t go to a cheap walk-in salon.

Yes, you read that write, DO NOT go to a cheap walk-in salon. Why ? Trust me, I did it once and I will never do it again, NEVER. It was an unforgettable experience. I felt so much pain, the aesthetician was not professional and she was not even authentic, her technique is the worst one i ever had. The type and quality of the wax is so cheap and it causes me so much pain. Which is normal, they are not charging so much so how will they make profit.

4- Don’t go swimming or have sexual intercourse immediately.

If you enjoy feeling burnt and raw down there, go ahead and swim or have intercourse immediately after the waxing session. I did once and I did not enjoy the burning sensation so I kept avoiding these two after each waxing session for at least 24 hours.

5- Don’t attempt to do it yourself.

If you attempt to do it yourself, you are risking bruising, discolouration especially from wax that is too hot and then damage your skin. It’s difficult to control yourself into positions that are ideal for waxing the bikini area. Yes, I know what you are thinking now, it’s so expensive to go each time to a salon and for two sessions a month, you will raise a fortune over time. That’s one of the reasons that I stopped going to the salon and opted for a new painless methodology that cost me 300$ lifetime.

6- Take pain medication one or two hours before your appointment.

I am not a doctor and I can't tell you which medication you should take. This is for information only, so please, before taking any medication, consult your doctor first. In my experience, I always take pain medication one hour before an appointment and it helped me a-lot to not feel pain etc.

7- Exhale forcefully as the aesthetician pulls the wax strip off quickly.

It sounds crazy to do this right. But trust me, it worked for me. I forcefully exhale each time the aesthetician pulls the wax strip off quickly. It will sound like you are doing lamaze while giving birth but it will help keep your mind off the pain. In other words, we trick our mind to not feel the pain in our sensitive areas. 

8- Make sure the aesthetician does not double dip her wax applicator.

This is important to understand. Why should you make sure that the aesthetician does not double dip her wax applicator ? Because, any bacteria on your skin, as well as from other client’s skin gets transferred from the applicator to the wax and then to you. So if the aesthetician does not double dip her wax applicator, just run! 

9- Exfoliate the area regularly. 

After two days from your appointment, exfoliate the area. This methodology will help you prevent painful ingrown hairs. You can also apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid cream & lotions to the area to keep the pores clear. 

10- My best tips to never feel the pain of waxing again. 

The best thing to do to never feel the pain of waxing again is to never wax. So easy right? Well, you might say, okay, what should I do instead? the hair will not wait and it will grow again and you need to remove it. Trust me, I feel you. It bothers me a lot to have this *** hair all the time. I know your frustration and I was looking for the best solution that will help me to never have to wax or shave again and be hair free all the time. 

Once my friend told me about HiSqin Gen X, I thought that she was bluffing, but once I owned one and tested it, I found out that she is really telling the truth. I knew that I wouldn't risk anything because HiSqin offered a 90 days money back guarantee. So, I have 90 days to test it, they say that you should get results between week 6 & week 12. It’s a do it yourself solution at-home and in your comfort zone.  

The key to get results is to be consistent. I use it 2 to 3 times a week even if they say that you can use it only once a week. But I recommend using it many times a week and being consistent. Get pictures for the before & after photos so you can witness and monitor the progress. Don’t give up, just stay consistent and use it for 12 weeks and I am sure you will get results. 

I never felt pain again, the waxing thing is over for me, I would never get back to that old thing and wax or shave again. Once I used HiSqin Gen X, I felt a warm sensation, as my skin is sensitive. I use HiSqin Gotu Kola Calming Gel after each use of HiSqin Gen X. It comes with the handset in a beautiful case. 

If you don’t own an IPL, try to own HiSqin Gen X to keep your skin hair free all the time and to never feel the wax pain again. It’s a good investment for the long run. It lasts for 10+ years. No refill needed and no more expensive appointment in the aesthetician salon. Well, maybe but for other important things that will keep you beautiful as always you are.  


Waxing is so painful, expensive and it takes time. If you need to reduce waxing pain, you need to not schedule your appointment for a bikini area near your period time. Don’t let your hair grow too long between waxing appointments. Do not go to a cheap walk-in salon. Do not swim or have a sexual intercourse immediately and do not try to do it yourself. You might need to take pain medication before an appointment. 

To never feel the pain of waxing is to simply never wax again. To do this, you will need to own HiSqin Gen X which is a lifetime investment that will help you to never have to shave or wax again.  


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

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